Potentate’s Update


Greetings from deep within Shrinedom. You all have my apologies that you will not find my message to you all in “The Word” this month. I have decided to reach out to you all via email and on our website. It is hard to figure out where to start. Well let us start with next year.

As you all know we need to plan for next year. That includes the yearly “Bull Session” and our election. Last night we had a Divan meeting where I laid out the guidelines that we will follow the night of our elections that will take place on Dec. 16th at 7:30 PM. We are lucky enough to have many areas throughout the building that we will be able to use. This will ensure each of us safe distancing and give you all the ability to be involved. Guidelines will be sent out soon that will need to be followed in order to attend.

Sadly, we have had to cancel our Bingo Fundraising for the rest of the year to stay within the Health Department guidelines. Bingo had been a great way to keep us with a positive income that we have been able to pay most of our bills with this year. It is my goal to be ready to open as soon as the health department gives us the approval. Even with the maximum number of players at 50 the Moose Club was able to enjoy profits.

It has been my goal to keep you all informed with all changes to our operations. This year we have been able to save money by changing our phone service and contracts with our office equipment. We have moved into the world of technology by having the ability to stream meetings and can have members enjoy fellowship from out of state. The office now has a TV and video game system that is available for your enjoyment. Both were made possible by Noble Shane Shahmir and Noble Joe Stabb.

With the limitation being placed on gathering I am planning two ideas for us. The first will be a gathering at the Shrine that we will be able to enjoy some much-needed fellowship. This option will depend on the Health Departments guidelines. The second option would take place via on-line posts followed up by an email that would link you to the videos that will be recorded the week after our elections. Lady Suzanne and I will be making stops to spread some Shrine Cheer to Nobles that have been a vital part of our success in 2020.

Nobles each of you and your families have been in my prayers all year. Your health and wellbeing are always the first thing I think of while planning events. With the many people that have been affected by COVID-19 our Tigris Shrine Family has been strong and supportive. As we continue towards a vaccine, I encourage you all to remember what our Mom’s told us “wash your hand, cover your nose when you sneeze and cover your mouth when you cough”.

I quick message from Jan Wojonvich. She wanted us to tell you all thank you for your prayers and well wishes after losing her son. Jan said that she heard from many of you and she was very grateful.

God Bless each of you. We will be reaching out to each of you able all changes about meetings and events when we are able.

Illustrious Sir Duane E Crapser